my writing

It should be no surprise to anyone reading this that I enjoy writing. As far back as I can remember I've always said I wanted to be a writer; in fact, at my elementary school's career day I went as a poet. Now that I've grown up not much has changed, although I do have a more realistic view. I know now that I couldn't handle writing as a career; it would have to be a long time side project for me. Still, at some point I would love to publish a book of my own. Laugh if you want.

The reason I say that last sentence is because my entire life I've had people trying to tell me that I cannot write well. Some of them (like my dreaded middle school English teacher) were rather straightforward about it. I still remember the time he accused me of cheating when I figured out an answer no one else had. He couldn't just say 'good job'. Others, (whose names will not be mentioned - not to be polite but because there are far too many to name) just assume I can't write well. They talk to me as if I don't know anything. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is or why MANY people talk to me in this way.

Just because I choose not to use my writing skills at times when it’s not needed does not make me stupid. There is no need for me to write elegantly in my personal blog if I don't feel like. I'm not a show off. Yet, I can still write well. At the same time, I actually DO have a fairly extended vocabulary - but in every day conversation there is no need to use it. I admit straight out that I am not the best. Not by a long shot. But when you have something to say, and there is passion behind your writing it doesn't even matter.

I guess I'm writing this in a sorry attempt to shut up the people who always think they're better than me. They need to get over themselves and give credit where credit is due. One of my good friends pointed out that some people get overlooked, and these people usually seek approval for the things they know they are good at. It often times comes off as arrogance. You know what? Fine. I'm not good at much, but I CAN write god damn it.


Debbie said...

i definitely know you can write. reading your blog makes ME feel like a terrible writer. chin up and forget everyone who doesn't believe in you! :)

may i ask who these people are that are bring you down? txt meee.

Sam said...

okey doke. i'll text the names of some of them to you now.

Joe Luzzi said...

This applies to other senarios but... when people shut down other's abilities I dont think it's arrogance, i think that people are just self-conscious about their own talent with the skill. That's why I admire people who are very modest about things they are clearly excellent at. That was a good read :)

Asmi Saxena said...

You sure can write. It may just be the wrong people at the wrong time telling you that you cannot write.

I hardly depend on people I know to reassure me on my writing. If it's good, I wouldn't want to show off and if it's bad I clearly wouldn't want them to criticize my work.

So I just put it out there and people stumble upon it some way or the other. I think it's mainly that writers can judge other writer's best. They wouldn't know what's wrong and what's right if they haven't ever done it themselves.

So just don't listen to the people who make you sad, they couldn't write better than you :)

Sam said...

Thats true. I need to be able to just know that what I'm putting down is something worthwhile, even if it only is to me. Thanks =]